In [1]:
from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode, iplot
import plotly.graph_objs as go
import plotly as py
from plotly import tools
from datetime import date
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np 
import plotly.figure_factory as ff
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import random 
import warnings
import operator
In [2]:
train = pd.read_csv("train.csv")
test = pd.read_csv("test.csv")
print ("Summary of Train Dataset: ")
Summary of Train Dataset: 
v2a1 hacdor rooms hacapo v14a refrig v18q v18q1 r4h1 r4h2 ... SQBescolari SQBage SQBhogar_total SQBedjefe SQBhogar_nin SQBovercrowding SQBdependency SQBmeaned agesq Target
count 2.697000e+03 9557.000000 9557.000000 9557.000000 9557.000000 9557.000000 9557.000000 2215.000000 9557.000000 9557.000000 ... 9557.000000 9557.000000 9557.000000 9557.000000 9557.000000 9557.000000 9557.000000 9552.000000 9557.000000 9557.000000
mean 1.652316e+05 0.038087 4.955530 0.023648 0.994768 0.957623 0.231767 1.404063 0.385895 1.559171 ... 74.222769 1643.774302 19.132887 53.500262 3.844826 3.249485 3.900409 102.588867 1643.774302 3.302292
std 1.504571e+05 0.191417 1.468381 0.151957 0.072145 0.201459 0.421983 0.763131 0.680779 1.036574 ... 76.777549 1741.197050 18.751395 78.445804 6.946296 4.129547 12.511831 93.516890 1741.197050 1.009565
min 0.000000e+00 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 ... 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.040000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
25% 8.000000e+04 0.000000 4.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 ... 16.000000 289.000000 9.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.111111 36.000000 289.000000 3.000000
50% 1.300000e+05 0.000000 5.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 ... 36.000000 961.000000 16.000000 36.000000 1.000000 2.250000 0.444444 81.000000 961.000000 4.000000
75% 2.000000e+05 0.000000 6.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 0.000000 2.000000 1.000000 2.000000 ... 121.000000 2601.000000 25.000000 81.000000 4.000000 4.000000 1.777778 134.560010 2601.000000 4.000000
max 2.353477e+06 1.000000 11.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 6.000000 5.000000 8.000000 ... 441.000000 9409.000000 169.000000 441.000000 81.000000 36.000000 64.000000 1369.000000 9409.000000 4.000000

8 rows × 138 columns

In [3]:
target = train['Target'].value_counts().to_frame()

levels = ["NonVulnerable", "Moderate Poverty", "Vulnerable", "Extereme Poverty"]
trace = go.Bar(y=target.Target, x=levels, marker=dict(color=['green','blue','orange','red'], opacity=0.6))
layout = dict(title="Household Poverty Levels", margin=dict(l=200), width=800, height=400)
data = [trace]
fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
In [4]:
def compare_plot(col, title):
    tr1 = train[train['Target'] == 1][col].value_counts().to_dict()
    tr2 = train[train['Target'] == 2][col].value_counts().to_dict()
    tr3 = train[train['Target'] == 3][col].value_counts().to_dict()
    tr4 = train[train['Target'] == 4][col].value_counts().to_dict()
    xx = ['Extereme', 'Moderate', 'Vulnerable', 'NonVulnerable']
    trace1 = go.Bar(y=[tr1[0], tr2[0], tr3[0], tr4[0]], name="Not Present", x=xx, marker=dict(color='red', opacity=0.6))
    trace2 = go.Bar(y=[tr1[1], tr2[1], tr3[1], tr4[1]], name="Present", x=xx, marker=dict(color='green', opacity=0.6))
    return trace1, trace2 
tr1, tr2 = compare_plot("v18q", "Tablet")
tr3, tr4 = compare_plot("refrig", "Refrigirator")
tr5, tr6 = compare_plot("computer", "Computer")
tr7, tr8 = compare_plot("television", "Television")
tr9, tr10 = compare_plot("mobilephone", "MobilePhone")
titles = ["Tablet", "Refrigirator", "Computer", "Television", "MobilePhone"]

fig = tools.make_subplots(rows=3, cols=2, print_grid=False, subplot_titles=titles)
fig.append_trace(tr1, 1, 1)
fig.append_trace(tr2, 1, 1)
fig.append_trace(tr3, 1, 2)
fig.append_trace(tr4, 1, 2)
fig.append_trace(tr5, 2, 1)
fig.append_trace(tr6, 2, 1)
fig.append_trace(tr7, 2, 2)
fig.append_trace(tr8, 2, 2)
fig.append_trace(tr9, 3, 1)
fig.append_trace(tr10, 3, 1)

fig['layout'].update(height=1000, title="What do Households Own", barmode="stack", showlegend=False)
In [5]:
def find_prominent(row, mats):
    for c in mats:
        if row[c] == 1:
            return c

def combine(starter, colname, title, replacemap):
    mats = [c for c in train.columns if c.startswith(starter)]
    train[colname] = train.apply(lambda row : find_prominent(row, mats), axis=1)
    train[colname] = train[colname].apply(lambda x : replacemap[x] if x != None else x )

    om1 = train[train['Target'] == 1][colname].value_counts().to_frame()
    om2 = train[train['Target'] == 2][colname].value_counts().to_frame()
    om3 = train[train['Target'] == 3][colname].value_counts().to_frame()
    om4 = train[train['Target'] == 4][colname].value_counts().to_frame()

    trace1 = go.Bar(y=om1[colname], x=om1.index, name="Extereme", marker=dict(color='red', opacity=0.9))
    trace2 = go.Bar(y=om2[colname], x=om2.index, name="Moderate", marker=dict(color='red', opacity=0.5))
    trace3 = go.Bar(y=om3[colname], x=om3.index, name="Vulnerable", marker=dict(color='green', opacity=0.5))
    trace4 = go.Bar(y=om4[colname], x=om4.index, name="NonVulnerable", marker=dict(color='green', opacity=0.9))
    return [trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4]

titles = ["Outside Wall Material", "Floor Material", "Roof Material", "Sanitary Conditions", "Cooking Energy Sources", "Disposal Methods"]
fig = tools.make_subplots(rows=3, cols=2, print_grid=False, subplot_titles=titles)

### outside material
flr = {'paredblolad' : "Block / Brick", "paredpreb" : "Cement", "paredmad" : "Wood",
      "paredzocalo" : "Socket", "pareddes" : "Waste Material", "paredfibras" : "Fibres",
      "paredother" : "Other", "paredzinc": "Zink"}
res = combine("pared", "outside_material", "Predominanat Material of the External Walls", flr)      
for x in res:
    fig.append_trace(x, 1, 1)

### floor material 
flr = {'pisomoscer' : "Mosaic / Ceramic", "pisocemento" : "Cement", "pisonatur" : "Natural Material",
      "pisonotiene" : "No Floor", "pisomadera" : "Wood", "pisoother" : "Other"}
res = combine("piso", "floor_material", "Floor Material of the Households", flr)
for x in res:
    fig.append_trace(x, 1, 2)

### Roof Material
flr = {'techozinc' : "Zinc", "techoentrepiso" : "Fibre / Cement", "techocane" : "Natural Fibre", "techootro" : "Other"}
res = combine("tech", "roof_material", "Roof Material of the Households", flr)  
for x in res:
    fig.append_trace(x, 2, 1)

### Sanitary Conditions
flr = {'sanitario1' : "No Toilet", "sanitario2" : "Sewer / Cesspool", "sanitario3" : "Septic Tank",
       "sanitario5" : "Black Hole", "sanitario6" : "Other System"}
res = combine("sanit", "sanitary", "Sanitary Conditions of the Households", flr)
for x in res:
    fig.append_trace(x, 2, 2)

### Energy Source
flr = {'energcocinar1' : "No Kitchen", "energcocinar2" : "Electricity", "energcocinar3" : "Cooking Gas",
       "energcocinar4" : "Wood Charcoal"}
res = combine("energ", "energy_source", "Main source of energy for cooking", flr)  
for x in res:
    fig.append_trace(x, 3, 1)

### Disposal Methods
flr = {"elimbasu1":"Tanker truck",
"elimbasu2": "Buried",
"elimbasu3": "Burning",
"elimbasu4": "Unoccupied space",
"elimbasu5": "River",
"elimbasu6": "Other"}
res = combine("elim", "waste_method", "Rubbish Disposals Method", flr)  
for x in res:
    fig.append_trace(x, 3, 2)

fig['layout'].update(height=900, title="Key Characteristics of Households", barmode="stack", showlegend=False)
In [6]:
def combine2(starter, colname, title, replacemap, plotme = True):
    mats = [c for c in train.columns if c.startswith(starter)]
    train[colname] = train.apply(lambda row : find_prominent(row, mats), axis=1)
    train[colname] = train[colname].apply(lambda x : replacemap[x] if x != None else x )

    om1 = train[train['Target'] == 1][colname].value_counts().to_frame()
    om2 = train[train['Target'] == 2][colname].value_counts().to_frame()
    om3 = train[train['Target'] == 3][colname].value_counts().to_frame()
    om4 = train[train['Target'] == 4][colname].value_counts().to_frame()

    trace1 = go.Bar(y=om1[colname], x=om1.index, name="Extereme", marker=dict(color='red', opacity=0.9))
    trace2 = go.Bar(y=om2[colname], x=om2.index, name="Moderate", marker=dict(color='red', opacity=0.5))
    trace3 = go.Bar(y=om3[colname], x=om3.index, name="Vulnerable", marker=dict(color='orange', opacity=0.9))
    trace4 = go.Bar(y=om4[colname], x=om4.index, name="NonVulnerable", marker=dict(color='orange', opacity=0.5))

    data = [trace1, trace2, trace3, trace4]
    layout = dict(title=title, legend=dict(y=1.1, orientation="h"), barmode="stack", margin=dict(l=50), height=400)
    fig = go.Figure(data=data, layout=layout)
    if plotme:

flr = {"instlevel1": "No Education", "instlevel2": "Incomplete Primary", "instlevel3": "Complete Primary", 
       "instlevel4": "Incomplete Sc.", "instlevel5": "Complete Sc.", "instlevel6": "Incomplete Tech Sc.",
       "instlevel7": "Complete Tech Sc.", "instlevel8": "Undergraduation", "instlevel9": "Postgraduation"}
combine2("instl", "education_details", "Education Details of Family Members", flr)  

flr = {"estadocivil1": "< 10 years", "estadocivil2": "Free / Coupled union", "estadocivil3": "Married", 
       "estadocivil4": "Divorced", "estadocivil5": "Separated", "estadocivil6": "Widow",
       "estadocivil7": "Single"}
combine2("estado", "status_members", "Status of Family Members", flr)  

flr = {"parentesco1": "Household Head", "parentesco2": "Spouse/Partner", "parentesco3": "Son/Daughter", 
       "parentesco4": "Stepson/Daughter", "parentesco5" : "Son/Daughter in Law" , "parentesco6": "Grandson/Daughter", 
       "parentesco7": "Mother/Father", "parentesco8": "Mother/Father in Law", "parentesco9" : "Brother/Sister" , 
       "parentesco10" : "Brother/Sister in law", "parentesco11" : "Other Family Member", "parentesco12" : "Other Non Family Member"}
combine2("parentesc", "family_members", "Family Members in the Households", flr)  

flr = {"lugar1": "Central", "lugar2": "Chorotega", "lugar3": "Pacífico central", 
       "lugar4": "Brunca", "lugar5": "Huetar Atlántica", "lugar6": "Huetar Norte"}
combine2("lugar", "region", "Region of the Households", flr, plotme=False)  
In [ ]: